Dr. Debasmita shares her experiences, tips for happiness & more

Dr. Debasmita Dey
Have you ever had a wild fantasy? Have you ever wanted to beat up somebody to pulp? Or better still, kill them? Have you ever wanted to jump off the nearest rooftop? Have you ever wanted to cheat on your partner? For most of us, if we are being honest, the answer to all these questions is yes...
Dr. Debasmita Dey
People have plenty of reservations before visiting a psychiatrist. It is surprising to know how many of us still think we can cure depression just by listening to pep-talk. You must wait till you are raving mad to actually see a psychiatrist! Today’s blog is a much needed mental health myth buster...
Dr. Debasmita Dey
There is a belief in certain communities that we die each night while we sleep and are reborn each morning. I like to look at life that way. It changes my outlook towards life. The Attitude of Gratitude Each morning is a new life. Another opportunity to start over. And I am grateful for that. I thank God for having another day to live...
The sight of worried parents sitting in the psychiatrist’s clinic with their kids is commonplace today. The question that very commonly comes up during such discussions is whether there is anything wrong with their parenting style. Today, we are going to discuss the basics of modern-day parenting...
In today’s competitive world, none of us can confidently say that we are not stressed. We would all love to lead a stress-free life but we really do not know how to go about it. This article is your go-to manual for daily de-stressing. We are distressed by external or internal factors that our set off the alarm signal in our brain...
Dr. Debasmita Dey
There is scientific truth behind the saying, 'an empty mind is the devil’s workshop'. Whenever we are not focusing on the task at hand, our brain goes on the autopilot mode. And this is the crux of our woes. Let us see how. Say you are eating your breakfast before going to work...
Before we begin, let us understand what we mean by ‘assertive communication’. It is a style of communication where you get your point across firmly yet politely, remembering that both you and others have rights. Let us explain with an example. Say, your friend asks you to join him for a movie...
Dr. Debasmita Dey
We are living in a fast-paced world where everyone seems to be multitasking. It is a race against time out there. No wonder clients often come to us with complaints of poor concentration. This article gives an overview of the science and art of concentrating better...
Dr. Debasmita Dey
Life with dementia can be very challenging, both for the patient and the caregivers. Let us understand why. Dementia is primarily characterised by memory loss or amnesia, as it is known in medical terms. The patient remembers his/her younger days just fine. But when it comes to recent memory, it falters. Let me explain this further...
The most colourful of all personalities is the one known in medical parlance as Borderline Personality. Is it a boon or a bane? Let us find out. These people walk the thin line between normalcy and psychosis. They can be quite happy one moment, and screaming with anger or crying their heart out the next...
The Normal Child
Dr. Debasmita Dey
Worried parents turning up at psychiatrist’s clinics with their kids who are apparently behaving 'abnormally' is a common sight nowadays. Add to that prep schools and other educational institutions that insist on getting the child 'evaluated' for various apparent abnormalities, the parents are at their wits end...
Mental Heath Treatment
Mental wellness is a holistic term that goes far beyond the mere absence of mental illness. It is a state of optimum psychological well-being. If we come to think about it, a major part of our day is spent with our family. They form our pillars of support. We turn to them in times of crisis, be it material or emotional...
Dr. Debasmita Dey
Everyone experiences stress once in a while. It is part of living. But we are so hell bent on living 'stress-free' that we forget it is not always as bad as we make it out to be. Imagine you have an upcoming examination. But you are not stressed at all...
best treatment for suspiciousness
It is not often that we consider taking someone to therapy for being suspicious. But sometimes, we do not have a choice...
Dr. Debasmita Dey
Living with epilepsy is a curse. The patient never knows when he will have the next attack. If he happens to be near fire, water or working at a height at the moment he starts to throw seizures it might cost him his life. Left untreated, it causes extensive brain damage...
Distressed to De-stressed with dr Debasmita
Dr. Debasmita Dey
In today’s fast-moving world, we are no strangers to anxiety and stress. It is really difficult to escape this constant cycle of misery. Or is it? The secret to live a stress -free life is laughably simple. Today’s blog is about making healthy lifestyle choices to relax naturally...
top counsellor and mental health therapist in Kolkata
Are you looking for counselling sessions for your mental health issues? Before you type top counsellor and mental health therapist in Kolkata into the search engine, be sure to go through this article. For finding the top counsellor in Kolkata you need to have a clear idea about exactly what you are looking for...
Depression is, ironically, quite rampant in the city of joy. However, most people take a lot of time to accept that they actually need treatment for depression. If you are seeking consultation and counselling sessions for depression, this article is for you. Let us understand what happens to the brain in depression...
Quit Tobacco Addiction
Dr. Debasmita Dey
Nicotine addiction is a global burden. India is no exception. Between smoking and chewing tobacco, the number of people dependent on nicotine is quite large. However, the good news is that many are coming forward today to get rid of this habit. A lot has been said about the health hazards of regular tobacco use...
Dr. Debasmita Dey
The interesting thing about the human mind is that it is able to handle multitudes of thoughts, visions and information, simultaneously and flawlessly. Yet, in the midst of so much diversity, it is able to preserve its integrity. Always. Well, almost always. The exception is people living with Schizophrenia...
Bipolar Affective Disorder or Bipolar Disorder, as it is known commonly called is an interesting phenomenon. Let us consider the two ‘poles’ of Bipolar Disorder. If Depression is the South Pole, then consider Mania as the North Pole. Affect, simply put, is the current emotional state of the mind...
With the rising awareness among the citizens regarding the importance of mental health, people are exploring various options for mental health treatment in Kolkata. In today’s article, we will explore the various options available and how to go about it. You can either approach a psychologist or a psychiatrist...
The Many faces of OCD and its Treatment
OCD – the name, for many is associated with the image of a woman cleaning and washing on repeat mode, as if her life depended on it. True. But today I will walk you through the varied presentation and treatment for OCD, short for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Obsession is a thought that keeps on bugging you. You know it is futile...
Decoding The Borderline Personality
Creative, caring, vulnerable, passionate. These are the words that come to your mind when you fondly think of these individuals. But you cannot help calling them unpredictable, impulsive, moody or even unreliable. You would associate them with a colorful life...
Dr. Debasmita Dey
A perfectly boring afternoon. The lockdown and the seething heat. As I stared out of the window at the isolated street below, all signs of life seemed to have evaporated. The news played in the background. Mounting death rates. Oxygens shortage. Life simply was not worth living, it seemed. I must have dozed off for a while...
Dr. Debasmita Dey
A life without purpose is like a ship without a radar. Your purpose is what gives your life a direction. When you get up each morning, you know you have a task at hand. Each day, you move a little closer to your destination. It gives you a sense of fulfilment...
Dr. Debasmita Dey
The adolescent sitting before me is in a foul mood. Her mother is in tears. She simply cannot get her daughter to make amends with her husband. It is illogical of her mom to ask that of her, retorts the daughter. Her father is always overtly critical of everything she does. Nobody else has a say in the family except him...
Dr. Debasmita Dey
The man sitting before the psychiatrist is deeply troubled. It has been 14 years. He has gone from one doctor to another. He hardly sleeps. Faints often. Has frequent headaches. There are chest pains and aching muscles. He lies in bed all day, too weak to get up. He worries a lot, he says. But strangely he never shares his thoughts with anyone...