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In today’s competitive world, none of us can confidently say that we are not stressed. We would all love to lead a stress-free life but we really do not know how to go about it. This article is your go-to manual for daily de-stressing.

We are distressed by external or internal factors that our set off the alarm signal in our brain. For example, our boss shouting at us or worrying about an upcoming examination. These factors are called stressors. Once the alarm signal goes off, the body and mind react on a fight-or-flight mode and all rational thinking goes out of the window. This is the basis for all anxiety disorders.
How do we prevent this?
There are logically 2 ways –

  • Minimizing the stressors
  • Increasing the internal resistance

A daily source of stress is the ubiquitous mobile phone. We are expected to be available at all places at all times. Even when we are home, we can hardly skip work calls and vice-versa. Do yourself a favor and switch off the work phone when you are home. Similarly, leave instructions that you are not to be disturbed with domestic decisions when you are at work. Once you start to compartmentalize your personal and professional duties, life will become easier and naturally, stress-free.

Another new trend is that of multitasking. If you think you will save time by working on the office presentation while doing your child’s home assignment, think again. Humans are not wired for such multi-tasking. As the brain constantly shifts focus between the two chores, it does not function very well and needlessly gets stressed out. So, it is best to do one thing at a time, with total focus.

Talking about increasing resistance, respect your biological needs and you will handle stress better. The body has three basic needs – sleep, appetite and sex.

Try to take all major meals on time. Most importantly, do not skip breakfast. The brain needs glucose to function. If you constantly make it run on low fuel, the stress will show. Similarly, it needs to rest and rejuvenate. It is mandatory to get at least 6-7 hours of uninterrupted sleep at night. The need for physical intimacy is also another important aspect of our biology, which sadly gets overlooked due to our fast lifestyle. A healthy sex life goes a long way in maintaining the body’s equilibrium.

Also, take time out for short breaks between work assignments. Relax, take a walk, listen to music, chat with your friend or simply take a siesta. Do anything that helps you unwind.

These subtle changes, if introduced into our daily routine, can produce unbelievable results when it comes to handling stress. Here’s hoping you go from distressed to de-stressed soon!
