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Dr. Debasmita Dey

A life without purpose is like a ship without a radar. Your purpose is what gives your life a direction. When you get up each morning, you know you have a task at hand. Each day, you move a little closer to your destination. It gives you a sense of fulfilment.

You will be tempted time and again to give up on your dreams and live an easy life. But no matter how luxurious your life is, it will still be a lost cause. You will tell yourself you have achieved so many things, but your mind will never be at ease. Deep down, it will keep reminding you how far you have strayed from your path. That is when boredom sets in. And an unknown fear creeps over you. You cannot quite put your finger on it. But you are mostly anxious and unhappy.

And there is no escape from this. Except to go back and pick up from where you left off. It may not be an easy path. It may not even lead to a glamorous destination. But it is yours and only yours. You cannot say that about most things in life.

So take some time out to reflect on your purpose. Trust me, your life will never be the same again.