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Mental Heath Treatment

Mental wellness is a holistic term that goes far beyond the mere absence of mental illness. It is a state of optimum psychological well-being. If we come to think about it, a major part of our day is spent with our family. They form our pillars of support. We turn to them in times of crisis, be it material or emotional. The role of family in promoting and maintaining mental health is therefore, undeniable. In the article that follows we discuss what constitutes a healthy family that ensures the psychological well-being of all its members.

Communication is crucial
It is important to maintain healthy communication channels between the members. The communication needs to be open, clear and direct. Adults need to have a common ground when instructing children. If children receive conflicting instructions from different adults in the family, they tend to get confused and indisciplined. It is also necessary that every adult member has a say in major family decisions and get an equal opportunity in voicing their opinions. Remarks that are judgemental and derogatory need to be avoided which costs mental wellness badly.

Respecting personal boundaries is important

Family is essentially a unit constituted by members who are unique in their own respect. Care must be taken to preserve this uniqueness. Families that force individuals to conform to rules that are too rigid foster dissatisfaction among its members. There is often a thin boundary between being concerned and being intrusive. While it is natural for family members to show their concern, intruding among personal space(for example a couple’s private life) can be disastrous. This is of utmost importance when there are adolescents and young adults in the family. Elders often find it difficult to let go of their babysitting habits, in the process either provoking a rebellion or smothering the child’s personality growth.

Rules are mandatory
There is always a need for definite rules for a unit to function smoothly. It is desirable to have a few ground rules or code of conduct that each member abides by, with no exception. Again, children learn best by modelling. Adults therefore need to set the example by following the set rules under all circumstances. That being said, it is important that the rules are not so rigid that they come in the way of personal growth of its members.

Flexibility balances everything
The character strength that underlies our ability to cope and adapt to new surroundings and situations is flexibility. A family that models flexibility for its members not only ensures individual happiness, but creates individuals who are more adaptive and emotionally resilient.

In a nutshell, humans being social beings, the crucial role that families play in nurturing psychologically healthy individuals in undeniable. Families that are flexible, supportive, cohesive and establish clear communication channels go a long way in promoting mental health and happiness.
